Monday, April 18, 2011

Description Basketball

Thirty minutes before the game it was the 2009 Rehabilitative Science Championship, the room was silent that I could hear the ticking of the clock and my team mate’s heart beat  loudly. The atmosphere in the room was heavy and intense. Everybody had their game face on. A face ready and brimming with confidence. It was time, as we were going inside I could hear the fans shouting the names of their respected colleges and the thunderous sound of drums. We warmed up doing lay ups and shooting I felt my muscles loosening up. The game then started it was a very close at first but at half time the other team’s lead was twenty points. The coached put me in, I was freaking nervous I could feel every muscle shaking. Coach drew up a play and I was open at the corner, I could smell the rubber and feel the spherical ball in my hands I put it up with a follow through and swish I made it. From then on it was the time of my life.

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