Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Advocacy basketball

Commitment is engaging oneself to do or pledge to something. Being committed is making a deal and fulfilling the conditions of that deal. Basketball society is a good example of people who are committed to do their work. Basketball players are committed to their team by showing up to basketball practices and meetings. They follow strict diets and training to achieve their fullest potentials. They also show commitment to the community by giving back through charities. Dwight Howard is a good example of a committed basketball player. He has his own contributions to the community and has his own work routine to improve his skills. Dwight Howard’s discipline in his work got him two defensive player awards and is a favorite to win it this season. Defensive player of the year is one of the tokens of the NBA given to players as a representation of the work they did throughout the season. Basketball coaches are also committed in improving their team’s overall performance by studying videos and evaluating a team’s strength and weaknesses. 

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