Monday, April 18, 2011

Description Basketball

Thirty minutes before the game it was the 2009 Rehabilitative Science Championship, the room was silent that I could hear the ticking of the clock and my team mate’s heart beat  loudly. The atmosphere in the room was heavy and intense. Everybody had their game face on. A face ready and brimming with confidence. It was time, as we were going inside I could hear the fans shouting the names of their respected colleges and the thunderous sound of drums. We warmed up doing lay ups and shooting I felt my muscles loosening up. The game then started it was a very close at first but at half time the other team’s lead was twenty points. The coached put me in, I was freaking nervous I could feel every muscle shaking. Coach drew up a play and I was open at the corner, I could smell the rubber and feel the spherical ball in my hands I put it up with a follow through and swish I made it. From then on it was the time of my life.

Comparison Basketball

Basketball is education. There are levels to it. People need to learn the basics. Learn the ABC's first. People need to dribble, shoot, and pass before they play a real game. Once mastering basic skills it’s time to advance to higher levels of training. Individuals start to read words and interpret their meaning. Players start to play pickup games. Everyone once in a while do self evaluation. People continue to grow and develop working with the new information and experiences. Students work with each other and learn the importance of teamwork. Everyone has coaches that continue to teach and push us to bring out the fullest of our potentials. Once we reach our potentials we play to become champions we go out to the world trying to be the best we can be. A trophy or a master’s degree is just a decoration. What’s important is the stuff we learn. The knowledge we acquired is what we pass on to the next generation and it's our turn to be coaches.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cause and Effect in basketball

A lot of things can influence a basketball game especially in the NBA. One of these influences is a player’s emotional state. Players get angry and start to rush shots and make bad decisions in the game. Harmful physical play influence players to lose focus; elbowing, pushing, or flagrant fouls done in a game. Trash talk considered another distraction when playing basketball. These are some reasons that influence basketball players to an event where they lose their focus. The outcomes of this event are usually negative. Players get technical fouls because they tend to argue often with the referees. Too many technical fouls that lead to suspensions and fines in the NBA. A player's efficiency decreases when influenced by distractions. Obviously, teams lose more than they win.On the contrary, there are some positive things that influence players to do an excellent job that lead to various recognitions. The sportsmanship award is an example if this recognition. Grant Hill an example of a focused and consistent basketball player is a favorite to win this award.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Advocacy basketball

Commitment is engaging oneself to do or pledge to something. Being committed is making a deal and fulfilling the conditions of that deal. Basketball society is a good example of people who are committed to do their work. Basketball players are committed to their team by showing up to basketball practices and meetings. They follow strict diets and training to achieve their fullest potentials. They also show commitment to the community by giving back through charities. Dwight Howard is a good example of a committed basketball player. He has his own contributions to the community and has his own work routine to improve his skills. Dwight Howard’s discipline in his work got him two defensive player awards and is a favorite to win it this season. Defensive player of the year is one of the tokens of the NBA given to players as a representation of the work they did throughout the season. Basketball coaches are also committed in improving their team’s overall performance by studying videos and evaluating a team’s strength and weaknesses. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Narrative Basketball

Basketball is one of the most played sports in the world. I’ve played it for about 12 years now. I play the point guard position most of the time.t’s maybe because I’m vertically challenged but I do have some skills. Derrick Rose is one of the best point guards today and certainly he is my favorite player. As a point guard it’s very important that I know the proper mechanics of handling, passing, and shooting a basketball. As a point guard during a game I'm are like the general on the floor. I call plays like pick and roll  on offense or two three zone on defense. As I played through the years I’ve had many experiences and got fed up with the point guard position. If only I were  taller I’d really want to play the small forward position. I’d rather rebound, play defense, and take an open shot than running the whole as a  point guard it’s too much work really. As a point guard there’s a ton of work for you more than the other basketball positions.